Inheritance Tax in the United States

Inheritance tax in the United States is a tax that must be paid from the estate of the person who has passed away, when the departed’s properties are outside the United States.

Since paying inheritance tax in the United States can reach significant amounts, it is recommended to be familiar with the field, and in case you were required to pay this type of tax, it is recommended and urgent to consult with a professional in American taxation, in order to check out different options of lowering the amount or a preform general check.


When Will an Inheritance Tax Be Collected and at What Scale?

An inheritance tax will be collected against all estates existing in the United States, whether the deceased was an American citizen or not. This tax is high and could reach a significant percent of the entire estate, and in fact acts as one of the most significant taxes in the United States and is outstanding even in comparison to similar taxes in other countries, and especially in Israel.


Is Inheritance Tax in the United States Estate Tax?

American inheritance tax is different from estate tax, but the source of the confusion is that the United States taxes the properties and estates of the deceased in its borders. An inheritance tax is imposed on the successors of the deceased, who takes into account the successors income and relation to the deceased, so that each of them will pay separately and specifically.

Calculating the payments will take into account whether the inheritance is coming from a father, grandfather, or distant uncle and what the source of the income is. Alternatively, estate tax is a tax that is imposed on the properties of the deceased regardless of specific successors or their source of income.


Calculating Inheritance Tax in the United States

The calculations of inheritance tax in the United States are done in a progressive way so that the tax bracket can fluctuate between 18 percent and 40 percent. This calculation is not so simple and in fact, because the bracket has a wide range, it is important to be familiar with this subject and if needed even consult with an expert on the subject.

Remember that inheritance tax in America is imposed on the deceased, as it were, and not the successors, so the tax calculations will be done before the estate is divided. Some of the inheritance can be exempt from estate taxation, depending on the persons citizenship, so that they also effect the inheritance tax.

Likewise, a certain percent of the estate is tax exempt, though that is usually handled by the estate manager. There are countries that take into account the number of beneficiaries, so that the more successors there are the smaller the tax rate will be. In general, different countries should be taken into consideration, including the unique calculation method of each country.


The Need to Report Inheritance Tax in the United States

There is no requirement to pay for receiving an inheritance in the United States yearly tax report, but there is a requirement to declare it. The inheritance tax in the United States is not always charged, except in cases where the deceased total estate is estimated to be worth over 5,450,000 dollars.

An exemption from this tax is given to United States citizens if all of their properties worldwide are estimated at a sum of 11,200,000 dollars. In the reports straying from this amount will create unified credit. Over this amount will be the amount of taxes owed by each successor.

It should be mentioned that when it comes to Israelis without an American citizenship, the estate tax will be imposed on only inheritances over 60,000 dollars, that could be relevant to a high number of citizens.


Are There Other Exceptions for Paying Inheritance Tax in the United States?

There are a number of additional exceptions for paying this tax, for example when a certain estate is passed to the spouse of the deceased in the case that they are both American citizens. In this case, the tax exemption will be worth 22,400,000 dollars. Likewise, there are sometimes certain expenses that could be recognized and lead to a lower tax and re – calculation.

Alternatively, if there where gifts given before the actual inheritance, their cost will not release the successors from tax payments, even though the payments on them will be progressive like the inheritance tax.

The logic and reason standing behind this regulation is to prevent situations where the successors split the inheritance before the passing away of the estate owner, or any other situation that might put the person inheriting in a vulnerable position. The amount of exemptions and their worth could change from year to year, so being updated on the correct rates is required for the day of the imheritance.


The Special Case of Israeli Citizens

The calculation of inheritance tax in the United States is done differently for American citizens and Israeli citizens. Since it is a progressive tax, a part of the difference will be in the requirement to report on the different properties. While an American citizen must declare all of their properties, even those overseas, an Israeli citizen will only have to declare their properties within the United States.

These properties include real – estate properties and other physical properties like share and securities existing in the United States. in each case consultations are recommended about the entire field of investments in the United States, whether partial or using a union.


The Importance of Careful Tax Planning for the IRS in the United States

There are different recommendations given to Israeli citizens, mainly for careful investment planning so that when the time comes it will be possible to remove them from the inheritance tax owed. One possibility is to try and invest in the United States using a company or an Israeli trust that can protect the investor.

With that, it must be taken into account that the investment includes other expenses that are not applicable to the individual like, for example, establishing costs, management cost calculations, and more. A second option is to purchase insurance that could cover and protect against estate tax.

But this option should also be considered for the possible costs included, and consultation with a specialist in the field on inheritance tax in the United States. Beyond that, the relationship between Israel and the United States should always be taken into account, as well as the differences occurring in the laws of the countries.


For and Against Inheritance Tax in the United States

Naturally, many are against this law, most of them claiming that the tax is imposed on a small section of the population and so is not relevant to all citizens, and could even be considered double taxation, because other taxes are already imposed on all the properties.

Uniquely, in Israel, there are those opposing the law, worried that Israel will become a tax safe haven for American millionaires who do not want their children to pay taxes to the United States. Alternatively, some support this tax because it is trying to equalize between the different layers in society, so that it acts as equal and progressive tax payments.

Additionally, they claim that there is no double taxation because this tax is paid by the successors and not an additional tax on the properties. Either way, with the changes in government in the United States over the past few years, there might be more changes to come with the tax payment or the different rates.


In Summation

An inheritance tax in the United States is a tax imposed on the successors to the properties when the total worth of all of the properties of the deceased is surpassing a certain amount. The tax is progressive and imposed after taking into account the persons type of citizenship, income, and relation to the deceased. The countries laws and calculating methods should be extensively checked.

Since this is a complex subject that requires a lot of knowledge, in taxation and country laws, it is advisable to consult with a consultant on American taxation. Many times, the tax amount can be calculated before the passing of a relative, of deliberately invested in investments that are exempt from reporting or paying taxes.

Picture of Steven Ettinger Esq.
Steven Ettinger Esq.

Steven Ettinger is a licensed attorney in the US. One of the top experts in Israel in US tax matters for corporations, business entities and individuals.

The aforesaid should not be regarded as legal advice. It is advisable to consult with the MasAmarika team before any action. The service is provided by a professional team, fluent in English and Hebrew, and includes attorneys and accountants with American licenses.

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