Report Dates to the IRS – Personal Reports

The tax authorities in the United States are considered to be among the most organized in the world and every American citizen is required to submit tax reports in the United States every year. Failing to submit these personal reports could lead to sanctions and even legal repercussions. In the following article we will lay out the report submission dates for the personal reports to the IRS. 


Report dates to the IRS – when are personal reports submitted in the United States?

Every American citizen or green card holder is required to submit a yearly tax report. The law required the reports to be handed in by the 15th of April of the following year to the year being reported.

Those who do not live in the United States can submit their reports by June 15th of the following year to the year being reported. For private citizens, the IRS allow the submission to be extended until and up to the 15th of October of the following year

The extension is not automatic, and the request to extend needs to be submitted in an orderly fashion by a 4868 form. These are the date for submission:

Type of tax – payer Submission dates Automatic extension After extension Submission form
Every citizen or green card holder residing in the United States 15.04 15.10 Using a 1040 form
Every citizen or green card holder who are not residing in the United States 15.04 15.06 15.10 Using a 1040 form
Every person who is not a citizen but has business dealings in the United States 15.06 15.12 Using a NR1040 form
Companies 15.03 15.10
Reporting on the existence of foreign accounts 15.04 15.10


The tax method for individuals in the United States and Israel – similarities and differences

Like in Israel, collection on income tax in the United States is progressive. Having said that, there are big differences in the treatment for the IRS to the type of tax – payer and their personal status. The personal status of the United States citizens are as follows: single, married, married submitting separately, head of household, and widower. The taxation could be different for each classification.

This is in an effort to consider the difficulties facing certain status holder and leave them with more available income. The meaningful difference between the countries is in the marginal tax. In Israel the marginal tax could be up to 47% of the income, while in the United States the highest rate of marginal tax is 37%.

On the other hand, the reported taxes include all avenues of revenue, including stipends from social security, while in Israel tax authorities treat them differently. American accountants could help the tax – payer using their services to substantially lower the amount of taxes paid to the American IRS.


Who is required to submit yearly tax reports to the IRS?

One of the main differences in the taxing method between Israel and the United States is the requirement that all United States citizens and green card holders must submit a yearly report.

In Israel there is no such requirement of private citizens. In most cases the only reporting by citizens would be that of the employer about the amount of salary paid, and the periodical tax deduction from the salary (usually monthly).

In the United States the requirement is that all United States citizens and green card holders – meaning working or resident visa in the United States, must submit a yearly report. This applies to those United States citizens and green card holders who live outside the United States as well. The website MasAmerica brings these important things to the attention of its users.


How are personal tax reports submitted to the United States tax authority?

The submission of reports to the IRS can be, and usually is, done independently. This means that most tax – payer get the designated forms, gather the relevant documents, and assemble their own report.

That being said, the use of professional services is popular among United States citizens who reside there. The consulting professional must be familiar with the tax laws and the correct way to submit the relevant form. Tax reports in the United States are not complicated at all, especially compared with the method in Israel.

The authorities make sure that the forms are correctly filled and that there are as many forms as possible to corroborate the information in the tax report. In most case filling the forms and submitting the tax report correctly will actually help receive refunds instead of additional fines.


Does the requirement to report also mean double taxation?

According to the treaty between Israel and the United States the tax – payer will pay most of the taxes in the country in which they reside. If the taxes paid in the country of residence is lower than the other county on the same amount of income, they only need to pay the difference.

Additionally, if the taxes are higher in the country of residence the tax – payer will not be required to pay and tax to the other country. All this does not exempt the tax – payer from reporting on their taxes in the United States, even though they are not required to do so in Israel. An American tax consultant will submit the reports in a way that will not require the tax – payer to pay more taxes than they owe.


What form are used to submit personal reports to the tax authorities in the United States?

The previous chart showed different dates for submission and the option to receive an extension. The relevant forms mentioned come down to two major forms for submission:

A form used by individual who are United States citizens or green card holder, whether or not they reside in the United States 1040 form
For non – citizens who have business dealings in the United States NR1040 form
Special extension requests for report submission form. 4868 form
Submitted by the employer, this form details the deduction from salary that was paid by United States citizens. W2 form

These forms can be submitted independently or through tax consultants, or an American accountant in Israel. An Israeli residing in Israel who is required to submit tax reports can gain a lot from professionals like those.


Report submission dates to the IRS – personal reports and down – payments to the IRS

In the same way that the IRS refunds tax – payer who had paid more taxes than they owe, they can also demand that individuals and companies pay the IRS down – payments. These can be required to be paid because of profit margins from work or a business, while no tax is deducted from the tax – payers’ salary.

These down – payments are paid every quarter according to an estimate of the tax – payers’ profit for the following two years. An American citizen who has a successful business in Israel will be required to pay a down – payment and could be fines if they do not pay.


Who can be consulted on report dates to submit to the IRS – personal reports?

The MasAmerica website deals with the expansion of taxation in the United States and the tax laws. Someone who can not fill the forms by themselves, or someone who owns a business and needs the accounting to be exact, can and should use the good services of an experienced American accountant.

The aforesaid should not be regarded as legal advice. It is advisable to consult with the MasAmarika team before any action. The service is provided by a professional team, fluent in English and Hebrew, and includes attorneys and accountants with American licenses.

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