When are tax returns submitted to the IRS?

Submitting tax returns to the IRS is a legal requirement that is mandatory for every American citizen who has had income during the tax year, and every foreign resident or investor in the United States who conduct business activities within the United States, or own a partnership or company that generate income for them.

In the following guide we will explain when tax returns need to be filed with the IRS in the United States in the case of single tax–payers, and in the cases of independent business owners, partnerships and companies in the United States.


Do I have to submit tax returns to the IRS?

The United States, like many other countries in the world, collect taxes on the basis on residency. Unlike other countries though, the United States also collects taxes from citizens / green card holders who live outside the country.

This is in addition to foreign citizens who run financial activities inside the United States, who are also required to report to the American income tax, otherwise known as the IRS. If you belong to one of these demographics it is highly probable that you also have to report to the IRS once a year.


When do tax returns have to be handed in to the IRS? The official date for submitting tax returns to the IRS in the United States

The official date for submitting the yearly tax reports to the IRS is on the 15th of April every year. Submitting returns later than this date me result in fines and interest charges.


When are tax returns submitted to the IRS in the United States in case on single tax – payers and single member LLC?

Every American citizen and green card holder are required to submit tax returns to the IRS, that is the American income tax, every year. The law states that tax return to the IRS for single tax – payers will be handed in by the 15th of April of the year following the tax year that the return is referencing to.

American citizens and green card holders must submit yearly tax returns to the IRS in the United States using a 1014 form, until the 15th of April in the tax year following the year being reported.

In the cases of tax – payers that don’t reside it the United States, they will automatically be granted an extension for the return submission, so that the yearly return could be submitted by the 15th of June.

In any case, every tax – payer has the right to submit a request to get an extension for their tax return submission date using a 4868 form. In the case that the request is granted – an extension will be given for the submission of the tax return until the 15th of October.

Singles that are not citizens of the United States but do manage financial activities in its’ borders through exclusive ownership of an LLC company are required to submit their return to the IRS through an NR1040 form by the 15th of June. In the case of a request for an extension, they could get one approved to submit their return until the 15th of December.


When are tax returns submitted to the IRS in the United States in the case of partnerships?

Tax returns for partnerships will be submitted to the IRS until the 15th of March in the tax year following the reported year, as long as the partnership books are kept in the United States. This is using the 1065 form. With a special extension request, it would be possible to hand them in until the 15th of October.

In the case that the partnership company books are managed outside the United States – the submission of tax returns would be allowed until the 15th of June the following tax year, along with a formal declaration justifying the right to an extension.

As long as the request for an extension using a 7004 form was submitted before the 15th of April – it would be possible to hand in the tax return until the 15th of September of the following tax year.


When are tax returns submitted to the IRS in the United States in the case of companies?

Tax returns for companies in the United States are submitted to the IRS using the F 1120 form on the following dates: If the company has offices in the United States – tax returns will be submitted by the 15th of April of the following tax year to the year being reported on.

If the company doesn’t have offices in the United States – tax returns will be submitted by the 15th of June of the following tax year to the year being reported on, with the addition of a declaration form justifying the right to receive an extension.

As long as the request for an extension using a 7004 form was submitted before the 15th of June – it would be possible to hand in the tax return until the 15th of September of the following tax year.


Tax return submission dates to the IRS by tax – payer classification (private versus business, company, or partnership)

Following are submission dates for tax returns in the United States (important to note that these are in reference to submission dates for tax returns for the previous year):

Tax – payer classification Report date Automatic extension Report date after extension request Report submission procedure
Individuals who are citizens of the United States / green card holders who reside in the United States April 15th October 15th 1040form
Individuals who are citizens of the United States / green card holders who don’t reside in the United States April 15th June 15th October 15th 1040 form
Individuals who are not citizens of the United States and manage business activities in the United States June 15th December 15th 1040NR form
Partnerships without books managed in the United States March 15th October 15th 1065form
Partnerships with books managed in the United States June 15th September 15th 1065form
Companies without offices in the United States June 15th September 15th 1120-F form
Companies with offices in the United States April 15th September 15th 1120-F form


Is it possible to postpone the submission date of tax returns of individuals to the IRS?

American citizens who don’t reside in the United States are allowed by law to submit their tax returns by the 15th of June of the year following the reported tax year. With that, the IRS allows an extension for the submission of the return until the 15th of October, when it comes to employed tax – payers who are not independent business owners.

It is important to know that this extension is not done automatically, but is dependent on a designated request submission for an extension on the date using a 4868 form. Take note! The extension is given for the submission date of the tax return, and not for the payment itself.


The importance of submitting tax returns to the IRS on time

Submitting taxes is an exhausting process, but essential if you want to avoid unwanted fines. That is why, the sooner you can do it the better. The IRS advises on submitting the tax returns on the 15th of April or before that, but if you are eligible for an extension, you could submit your tax returns to the IRS up until the 15th of October.

If you are not sure when you should submit your tax returns it is important to consult with a professional company for American tax consulting, so that the topic can be thoroughly examined, according to your information and your circumstances.


What happens if you are late in submitting your tax returns to the IRS?

Not reporting to the IRS on time will cause a yearly interest charge of around 6%. This is in addition to the fines that can go up to 25% of the tax – payers total tax debt.

These fines and interests can easily turn into much more substantial amounts, and raking up a large enough tax debt could even lead to your American passport being revoked. This is why it is so important to submit your American tax returns on their date.


Who can you consult with about submission dates to the IRS and about receiving tax refunds in the United States?

America Tax is intended to supply you all the relevant information when it comes to American taxation for individuals and business owners in the United States. Of course, any case demands particular attention in accordance to the specific characteristics of the tax – payer and their income.

That is why, if you are unsure when you are expected to submit your tax returns, how to fill in the required forms by yourself, or how to properly build a clever tax plan in order to maximize the tax benefits you deserve, our team of experts will be happy to be at your service.

רשויות המיסים האמריקאיות ידועות בקפדנות הרבה שלהן ובנחישותן להפעלת סנקציות כבדות כנגד כל אדם או ארגון הפועלים בניגוד להוראות בחוקי המס האמריקאיים. לכן חשוב מאוד לא להשאיר מקום לטעויות מיותרות, אלא להסתייע מראש באנשי מקצוע מנוסים הבקיאים בתחום של ייעוץ מס ותכנון מס בארה”ב.

The American tax authorities are known for their extreme meticulousness and their determination to impose heavy sanctions against any person or organization who act against the instructions of the American tax laws.

That is why it is so important not to allow any space for avoidable mistakes, but rather use the services of professionals who are experienced and knowledgeable in the consultation and planning of American taxes, ahead of time.

The aforesaid should not be regarded as legal advice. It is advisable to consult with the MasAmarika team before any action. The service is provided by a professional team, fluent in English and Hebrew, and includes attorneys and accountants with American licenses.

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